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Claire specializes in slow and thorough deep tissue work that is sometimes described as “muscle melting,”  as well as craniosacral and abdominal therapy. Her extensive education and 13 years of experience fosters a level of care and service that yields uncommonly-good results. 

Claire’s clients experience lasting benefits: relief from chronic pain, optimized performance, re-structuring of damaged or adhered fascia (connective tissues), injury rehabilitation, improved range of motion, fascial elasticity, nervous system resilience, and better sleep, and lower levels of stress hormones. 

Areas of specialty in which Claire's clients get excellent results include: sciatica, piriformis syndrome, scoliosis, recovery after surgery, pelvic tilts, stiff calves and hamstrings, external rotator dominance, plantar fascitis, difficulty walking, migraines, trauma, anxiety, depression, immune system enhancement, TBIs, TMJ, and any pains or dysregulation of head, neck, and spine.









After suffering a significant knee injury on the soccer field, Claire became fascinated with our ability to engage and strengthen muscles and movements that are weak or have been damaged, and the power of bodywork to support human performance. Claire enjoys sending clients home with tools they can use to create basic yoga self-care routines that nourish openness and fluidity in the body. 

For those seeking integration and healing beyond the musculoskeletal system, Claire offers biodynamic craniosacral therapy. This work was born from osteopathic techniques and uses gentle holds to track the movement of cerebrospinal fluid throughout the tissues of the body. The biodynamic model acknowledges the embryonic forces of healing present in the human body via God's intelligent design, and allows the body to resolve inertial fulcrums and find stillness.

Claire is dedicated to honoring mothers and women, offering in-home visits during naptimes, "mom massage" where kids are welcome to run amok, prenatal massage in all stages of pregnancy, abdominal therapy, and postpartum care  to nourish the mother-baby dyad in the critical period after birth.


Mayan abdominal massage blends traditional manual belly and womb work with modern science  for digestive and reproductive issues such as painful or irregular periods, fertility issues, cysts, fibroids, and prolapse. This work is also taught to women 1 on 1 to use in their own self-care toolkit.

Claire has been practicing bodywork since completing her massage and yoga teacher studies in 2012. She holds a BA in Spanish, a Master's in Secondary Education, and a deep love of teaching and learning. She lives a slower-paced life with her son and her dog, where reading, cooking, singing, and nature are top priorities.


LMBT #20546

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